Electronic Library of Scientific Literature - © Academic Electronic Press


Volume L. 2003 / No 4






Chronicle 328

Reviews 331

Transformations of a Subject in the Works of Vladimír Mináč

Pavel M a t e j o v i č, Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, Bratislava

 The aim of the study Mináčove transformácie subjektu is interpretation of texts, published by Mináč from the second half of 50-ties to the end ot 60-ties. Only non-sujet or non-fiction genres (essay, reflection, literary publicistics), which were dominant in the mentioned period, were selected. The main attention is paid to 60-ties – period of Mináč’s ideological and aesthetic definition and confrontation with contemporary philosophic and aesthetic tendencies from the perspective of reforming Marxism. In this period, Mináč’s national-emancipation concept, which in 90-ties of twenty century gained program character, was formed. Texts are interpreted from synchronous as well as diachronous perspective. Apart from contemporary context, which co-formed his aesthetic and philosophical bases, there is attempt to find rhetorical strategies, which were formed on the background of discussions opened in more liberal milieu of sixties (influence of phenomenology and existencialism). In this study, the access key of Mináč’s essays is the term (idea) of subject and its transformations. Foucault’s conception of subject, which is created in the confrontation with existing power relations, is the base for analysis. From this perspective, Mináč’s relation to problem of subjectivity was placed into context with his attitude to communistic ideology, as certain form of pastoral power or medieval university.

Štefan Krčméry – a Poet

Dana K r š á k o v á, Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, Bratislava

In the syntheses of the history of literature Štefan Krčméry (1892- 1955) used to be marked as an intergenerational author or an author or so called transitional generation keeping continuance between literary and social (national) situation before and after WWI. In the sphere of poetics he used impulses from previous types of poetics ( realist with modernistic education), in the ideological sphere he tended to traditionalism, he stressed tradition, national identity and specifics. His debut Keď sa sloboda rodila (When the freedom was in birth) was an actual response the social situation in WWI and creating Czechoslovak Republic. It was a type of patriotic poetry. A poet in this sense was considered to be a represent of a nation. Krčméry was focused on the objective side of his poetic work and on the national principal. By this way he interrupted linearity of his portrait as an author. Older poems are of intimacy (from 1911-1921). There is a big register of motives in Modernistic mood there. But he published them later in his collection of poems Herbarium (1929). In his third book Piesne a balady (Songs and Ballads, 1930) he turned back towards more traditional poetics and an objective poetry tended to epics. His last collection Pozdrav odmlčaného básnika (Greeting from a speechless poet, 1944) was not a more remarkable progress, it was just repeating of previous signified or have used courses together with some expressions of social sensibility. The poetry of Štefan Krčméry has no unified line. It is divergent in the same way as his multiply activities and wide interests. Krčméry ´s poetry is impressive any time he preferred intimate personal declaration to realistic document, didactic ballad or social pathos. In that sense the collection Herbarium is a climax of his poetic work.

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