Electronic Library of Scientific Literature


Volume 40 / No. 3 / 1997

Medzi obchodom a morálkou. Možnosti a hranice mediálnej etiky


pp. 177-183

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Strážcovia smerom dovnútra i navonok?
(Problémy žurnalistickej samokontroly na príklade švajčiarskej tlačovej rady)


pp. 183-189

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Štandardy tlačového práva v právnom rozhodovaní Európskeho súdneho dvora pre ľudské práva
Systém slobody prejavu v zmysle článku 10 Európskej konvencie pre ľudské práva - EMRK


pp. 190-196

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Regional and Local Press in New Conditions

Andrej Tušer

Key words: regional and local press - typology - classification model - sub-local, local, sub-regional, regional and supra-regional press

This study presents preliminary results of the research project „Changed infrastructure of the regional and local media in conditions of a new territorial and administrative division of Slovakia" carried out by the team of the Institute of Journalism - a media research unit of the National Center of Media Communication. In addition, the author deals with typology of the regional and local press. Comparing the points of view of some domestic and foreign scientists on this subsystem of the press, the author creates his own classification model of the regional and local press. The schema includes sub-local, local, sub-regional, regional and supra-regional press. On the local (town, village, ward, rectory, housing estate) and regional (subdistrict, district, county) territories, the author distinguishes between the universal and social/professional regionality and/or locality. According to preliminary results, about 575 regional and local papers (including the local and regional free-sheets) with total one-shot circulation of about 4 600 000 copies are published in Slovakia. A definite state of affairs in this subsystem of the press will be known at the end of 1997, when the project will be finished.

pp. 197-202

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Electronic Regional and Local Media in Slovakia

Dana Benkovičová

Key words: broadcasting system - regional and local electronic media - regional and local radio - cable networks - television broadcasting - privatisation

This study was prepared as a theoretical basis for research project „Changed infrastructure of the regional and local media in conditions of a new territorial and administrative division of Slovakia". In introduction, the author describes conditions under which the dual broadcasting system has been established in Slovakia. In three parts, the study analyses the regional and local radio, television and cable networks in the Slovak Republic. In the first part, the author tries to explain how the local and regional radio is financed, technically developed, and listen. In addition, she offers an overview of the private radio stations as well as their distribution among the new administrative units. In the second part, the author describes the present state of television broadcasting. Doing so, she deals with privatisation of the second channel of the Slovak Television too. Besides, she discusses pluses and minuses of commercial television as well as relevance of the terrestrial and/or cable local television stations. In the third part, the author presents an overview of the biggest cable operators in Slovakia, and explains legislative and financial conditions of their activity.

pp. 203-216

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Journalist in View of Education and Research

Jozef Darmo

Key-words: journalist's personality - media transformation and changed journalistic profession - issue of completely developed journalist' personality - journalist and educational system - information society and transformation of journalistic profession and values

In the past, investigation of journalist's personality was strongly effected by ideology. Now, this issue turns to an up-to-day social, sociological, and professional problem. There is a necessity to analyse the journalist's profession in the course of its historical changes wholly and complexly.
In this study, the author describes basic attributes of the journalist's personality - philosophical, cultural and values orientation etc. At the same time, he draws attention to the necessity to design the new educational system, as well as to analyse the journalist's independence, his legal feelings, ethics, relations to the political parties, to the publishers, as well as his role in shaping the public opinion etc.
The author presents a range of ideas and ways of how to scientifically regulate processes of forming a fully developed journalist's personality. These ways anticipate some degree of universality which would determine not only the journalist's work but also his creativity. The author describes three fields of scientific research in this area: professional/working, social/political and life-style fields of journalist's activity. Finally, the author refers to the overflow of national and international structures of journalism, and lists some urgent research tasks.

pp. 217-224

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Technicalities in the Children's Press

Danuša Dragulová-Faktorová

Key-words: technicalities - children's press - mass media - occurrence - retrieving -making accessible - linguistic analysis - recipient - word-stock - word-hoard - nonlinguistic synonyms

On the basis of linguistic analysis of ten periodicals, the author tries to answer the questions how technicalities are used and how frequently they occur in the children's press. She found that natural science terms are most frequently used in the magazines for the youngest readers. The magazines for elder readers bring more social science and technical terms. The frequency of terms occurrence is determined by the articles' topics as well as by how the author of article approaches to the theme and how deep he examines the issue. The number of terms correlates with the magazine's specialization, as well as with the target group of readers, their age and knowledge. The terms are present in all frame parts of the text. They are used not only in journalistic but also in fictional texts. In the latter, beside the nominal, the terms fulfill the depictive and decorative functions as well. The less known technicalities are making accessible to the readers in many ways. One of them prefers the Slovak term to its foreign synonym and/or internationalism. Different to the other subsystems of the press, the explanation of the foreign term by one sentence or its part is less frequent. The foreign terms are more frequently explained by more sentences, i.e., descriptively. The specialised columns are the most specific tools to explain the foreign terms. There are another interesting way to make the foreign terms known: using of non-verbal synonyms - pictures, drawings, photographs and, in the magazines for the elder readers, charts. Being repeatedly used, the technicality becomes the part of the reader's word-hoard. The text in the children's press should not be overcrowded by the foreign terms. Being surrounded by the words of the basic reader's word-hoard, the terms should be organically included in the understandable text.

pp. 225-232

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Storočnica prvého slovenského robotníckeho časopisu


pp. 233-240

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pp. 241-242

pp. 243-248

pp. 249-253

pp. 254-265

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