Electronic Library of Scientific Literature



Volume 43 / No. 1/ 2000




(K 45. výročiu vzniku NŠÚ)


pp. 1-5

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Kľúčové slová: médiá – politika – rozšírenosť a sledovanosť médií – politika v médiách – politika, médiá a verejnosť – politická socializácia prostredníctvom médií – médiá v predvolebných kampaniach

Media and Politics

Keywords: media – politics – media accessibility – media ratings – politics in the media – politics, media and the public – political socialisation through media – media in election campaign

Relations between media and politics belong to the most frequent issues in media research. Analysing these relations, the author suggests that the media: a) represent the most important resources of knowledge about the social and political life; b) as they select and explain information about society and politics, they bring their own picture of the social and political life; c) they are the basic mediator in the relation between politics and the public; d) they are important agents of political socialisation; e) they play an considerable role in election campaign.

Examining different aspects in the relations between media and politics, the author refers to the findings of domestic and foreign surveys. As for the first aspect, he mentions that ongoing internationalisation, globalisation and deregulation of media industries resulted in a vast expansion of programme services as well as in extremely diversified periodical press. An ongoing digitalisation of the broadcasting technology will result in the additional explosive expansion of channels, programmes and information services. With respect the other aspect, the author states that the media influence structure and nature of the news, which is frequently accused of distortion of reality and violence of the principle of impartiality. It is obvious that the politics in the media is offered in special media packaging. The relations between the media, politics and the public are further explored on the background of the opinion that the media represent a forum, which enables competition of different political forces. In fact, competing political issues and actors have unequal possibilities to reach the public. The next part of the study discusses political socialisation through the media. The author compares two facts: On the one hand, it is clear that children and youth get the political knowledge from the media and that television and newspapers are more important source of information than other socialisation agents as parents, school and peer groups. On the other hand, it is equally apparent that this political knowledge is superficial and fluid. Media effects in this field are rather temporal.

The last part of the study discusses the role of the media in election campaign. The author presents here the findings of his survey that was conducted before the last general election in Slovakia. These findings confirmed a complementary nature of the media as sources of information. The different media do not have their exclusive audiences, which they could shape on their own will. The audience prefers combinatory use of the media that enable them to compare different information and views. That is why it is not to overestimate the media impact on voting preferences of citizens, even in the specific Slovak conditions which were characterised by extreme polarisation of the media and the public.

pp. 6-14

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(Kontinuálny výskum počúvanosti rozhlasových staníc a charakteristiky ich publika v roku 1999)


Kľúčové slová: publikum médií teoreticky – tradície výskumu publika – potenciálne a skutočné publikum – členenie rozhlasových staníc – kontinuálny výskum počúvanosti rozhlasových staníc – charakteristiky rozhlasového publika

Slovak Radio Audiences
(Continual survey on radio stations listening and characteristic of their audiences in 1999)

Keywords: media audiences theoretically – audience research tradition – latent and real audience – categorisation of radio station – continual survey on radio stations listening – characteristics of radio audiences

The study presents findings of continual survey on radio stations listening, which was conducted in 1996-1999 whereby the inquiry focused on the last year of this period of time. The study starts with audience theory and research. Doing so, the author refers to opinions of some domestic and foreign scholars. He defines the role of the radio in media landscape and underlines its comparatively good present position. He discusses possible categorisation of radio stations according to various criteria, and presents approach that he considers being most useful for media research. As for findings, the public Slovak Radio dominates for years the radio market in Slovakia. Since 1996, its first channel Slovensko 1 is listen daily by 37 – 41 percent of adult population. Also the other channels of the Slovak Radio (Slovensko 2-Devín, Rock FM Rádio, Rádio Regina) seem to fulfil their public mission – to provide all segments of the public with programmes, which would respond to their interests. With respect to the private radio, the first ever private radio in Slovakia, Fun Radio, still remains the most popular station with daily reach of 10 percent (regularly listen by nearly 18%), closely followed by Rádio Twist and Rádio Koliba. According to the finding, regional radio stations compete quite successfully with national and supraregional stations in theirs corresponding regions (e.g. Hviezda in Nitra district, Rádio Rebeca in Žilina district, and Rádio D.C.A. in Trenčín district). Additionally, the study brings structure of the audiences according to the age, education, and another categories of demographics.

pp. 15-25

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(Jazyková rovina spravodajstva The Associated Press)

Svetlana Hlavčáková

pp. 26-32

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pp. 33-36

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D. Benkovičová: Prehliadka tvorby lokálnych televíznych staníc Slovenska

E. Hradiská: Reklama na súťažnej projekcii lokálnych televízií

M. Matušinský: Televízny workshop 2000

pp. 37-41

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Heslár mediálnej komunikácie - Tlač

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